Professor Holman gives invited lecture at the 2011 EASD meeting


On the morning of 14 September, Professor Rury Holman gave an invited plenary talk in the session 'Warning signals from clinical trials: all that glitters is not gold' at the 47th meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), held in Lisbon, Portugal. In his lecture, entitled 'Seeking the truth', he discussed the need for a systematic approach to assessing rapidly evolving data from a myriad of sources that have variable provenance when assessing possible drug-related benefits and harms.

In an age where media reports often give equal - or greater - prominence to incidental 'findings' than to robust results from properly designed and conducted long-term trials, it is becoming more difficult to identify truly useful research from background noise.

“What we need now in this new era of diabetes outcome studies are 'smart' trials which can test multiple interventions in factorial or head to head designs in a more efficient and more informative manner,” said Prof. Holman.

You can read a full press release about the talk by following the link below.
